Your Cat In The Heat: What you need to know here
If your cat has already passed through the heat, you won't forget its howling and constant demands to be alerted. If your cat is not able to mate, so my cat website offers tips for you in all areas of cat health and cat behaviors browse our site find everything you would like to know about your cat.
To find out a lot about the cat in the heat, follow the video and don't forget to read the article because it contains information that does not exist in the video
To find out a lot about the cat in the heat, follow the video and don't forget to read the article because it contains information that does not exist in the video
for the many cat breeders' questions about:
How do you get a cat out of heat?
What are the signs of a cat in heat?
How do you stop a cat in heat?
How can I help my cat in heat?
How can I help my cat in heat?
So my cat's website provided you with all the answers to various questions
The high temperature in cats can be treated with the following:
Take some measures and home remedies in cases of colds to reduce cat fever, such as making sure that the cat takes water, because dehydration is usually the most important symptom of fever in cats, and if the cat refuses to drink water, use an oral injection to force it to drink.
Encourage the cat to eat because fever reduces his appetite, so malnutrition should be avoided by providing food to the cat to meet his nutritional needs, and wet food is preferred.
Place the cat in a warm, moisture-free place to comfort the cat and enhance its freshness. Use cold compresses, by moistening a cloth with cold water, placing it on the cat's forehead for a few minutes and then removing it, repeating the operation on the legs and abdomen, and can use it twice a day.
Consult a veterinarian if the fever is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, in order to provide an appropriate diet during this period.
The normal body temperature of cats is estimated at 38.06-39.17°C, and on hot days cats can reach 39.72°C, but if the temperature rises to 40°C or more, it can have a fever.
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It is possible to find out if the cat is suffering from high temperature or not by measuring his temperature, and can do this by using a digital thermometer or normal thermometer, by working on the cat's distraction, then inserting the scale into the anus and leaving it for three minutes, then removing it and reading the temperature, and if the temperature is above 39.44°C it has a fever, and therefore it is necessary to take it to the veterinarian.
As with humans, there are wise signs when cats have fever, and among these factors we can list lack of appetite, weakness or lethargy, chills, dehydration or that the ears are hot.
A veterinarian said, "One of the most common symptoms that appears on cats once the temperature rises, is shortness of breath and the cat's attempt to catch its breath quickly, which prompts him to open his mouth permanently and take out his tongue like dogs, and this movement may affect the appetite of the cat and may even make him tend to vomit continuously without obvious reason, while the rise of temperature in general leads to the cat's heat and feeling sick.
Therefore, it is preferable to prepare the places where the cats are located, to turn on the fan or air conditioning as soon as the temperature rises, and remove any furniture on the floor of the room where he always sits, also cut his hair, and we prefer to take the cat to a shower every 3 days.
Treating overheating of cats:
The high temperature in cats can be treated with the following:
Take some measures and home remedies in cases of colds to reduce cat fever, such as making sure that the cat takes water, because dehydration is usually the most important symptom of fever in cats, and if the cat refuses to drink water, use an oral injection to force it to drink.
Encourage the cat to eat because fever reduces his appetite, so malnutrition should be avoided by providing food to the cat to meet his nutritional needs, and wet food is preferred.
Place the cat in a warm, moisture-free place to comfort the cat and enhance its freshness. Use cold compresses, by moistening a cloth with cold water, placing it on the cat's forehead for a few minutes and then removing it, repeating the operation on the legs and abdomen, and can use it twice a day.
Consult a veterinarian if the fever is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, in order to provide an appropriate diet during this period.
Overheating of cats:
The normal body temperature of cats is estimated at 38.06-39.17°C, and on hot days cats can reach 39.72°C, but if the temperature rises to 40°C or more, it can have a fever.
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Measuring the temperature of cats a heat:
It is possible to find out if the cat is suffering from high temperature or not by measuring his temperature, and can do this by using a digital thermometer or normal thermometer, by working on the cat's distraction, then inserting the scale into the anus and leaving it for three minutes, then removing it and reading the temperature, and if the temperature is above 39.44°C it has a fever, and therefore it is necessary to take it to the veterinarian.
Steps to see if my cat has a heat:
If you learn to identify symptoms and causes of fever, you will know what treatment to follow
As with humans, there are wise signs when cats have fever, and among these factors we can list lack of appetite, weakness or lethargy, chills, dehydration or that the ears are hot.
- It may also be advisable to explore whether your cat has a rapid heart rate and/or an increase in breathing.
- Apart from these symptoms, cats can have other specific symptoms that correspond to the disease that may cause a rise in temperature, but for this you must be the doctor who diagnoses them.
- Finally, the most specific way to determine if your cat has a fever is to take your temperature. The normal body temperature of the cat is between 37.5 and 39.5 degrees. The temperature above this range may indicate fever.
- In order to measure the temperature, it would be good to insert a thermometer through the cat's rectum, where it is pre-lubricated or oil gel and left for at least two minutes to get the most accurate result.
- Make sure you don't stick too much straight thermometer because the rectal tissue is sensitive and can cause cat damage.
- Also, do not use mercury thermometer on your cat because if a break occurs, it can be very harmful to the cat's health and life.
- Although it is not the most attractive or comfortable way, taking a rectal temperature is the best way to answer the question of whether the cat has a fever. If you feel uncomfortable taking your cat's temperature, contact your doctor immediately so you can take her on a date with a professional temperature.
- It's also important to maintain a cat vaccination record to help your veterinarian get the best record of any other disease that your cat hasn't immunized to help reduce the cause of cat fever.
Tips to help your cats get rid of heat problems:
Cats without other animals suffer from problems when the temperature rises in the summer, especially shirazi and amateur cats, because of its thick and long hair, which works to warm her body completely in winter, and causes her to raise her temperature in the summer, which exposes her to some symptoms of heat and vomiting.
A veterinarian said, "One of the most common symptoms that appears on cats once the temperature rises, is shortness of breath and the cat's attempt to catch its breath quickly, which prompts him to open his mouth permanently and take out his tongue like dogs, and this movement may affect the appetite of the cat and may even make him tend to vomit continuously without obvious reason, while the rise of temperature in general leads to the cat's heat and feeling sick.
Therefore, it is preferable to prepare the places where the cats are located, to turn on the fan or air conditioning as soon as the temperature rises, and remove any furniture on the floor of the room where he always sits, also cut his hair, and we prefer to take the cat to a shower every 3 days.