Types Of Persian Shirazi Cats

Types Of Persian Shirazi Cats

Before identifying the types of Persian Shirazi cats we know you on the origin of the cat 

Types Of Persian Shirazi Cats,  Shirazi Cats
Types Of Persian Shirazi Cats

Shirazi Cats:

Shirazi cats are one of the breeds of cats that are cared for by humans and of our known animals, and some call them Persian cats, but the most common name is Shirazi qat, which is often the size of medium to large medium cats, and shirazi cats are characterized by long hair and wide round head and short tail thick hair, as the Shirazi cat is famous for its cheerful and friendly spirit, and what distinguishes the cat Shirazi from the ability of other cats in the defense of the good, and the color of the eyes of the other cats It's often the same color as a cat, it can be the color of the eyes of a shirazi cat blue or gold... So that we don't talk long, I know you're a hybrid of Shirazi cats.

Hybrid types of Shirazi cats: 

Where shirazi cats are divided into a lot of species because they are frequently produced hybrid types of different breeds of cats, namely moon face and Himalayan cats, exotic cats short hair, and shanchilla cats, and in the following will be talked about these hybrid cats:

Himalayan cats:

The Himalayan cat species resulted in the marriage of shirazi cats and siamese cats in 1950, but the Himalayan cat carried a body pattern from the Shirazi cat and took the color from the Siamese cat. 

Short-haired alien Cats: 

This species was the result of a mating between the Shirazi cat and the american cat with the short hair, but until 1966This species has been recognized as a separate breed, he has taken all the qualities of the Shirazi cat significantly except for the short hair.

Chinchilla Cats:

This type of cat is produced in the United States, where these cats have a slightly longer nose than shirazi cats and transparent hair with black strands, and the eye is either blue and green together or green only.

Moon face Cats : 

is considered the most widespread type of shirazi cat, and has several characteristics such as wide eyes, a sandbox, a long pointed ear, and thick hair, in addition to his square face and long legs.       

 Becky's Vis Cats :

 It is considered one of the most expensive types, for me to distinguish it from other types of shirazi cats in the color of his eyes undefined and his nose flat on the eye, and his other qualities such as the characteristics of the types of shirazi cats.

 Hof Becky Cats:

 This was the result of the mating of two types of Shirazi cats, namely Becky Face and Mon Face, so it was called the Hof Becky, and its features are the presence of his nose directly under the eye and his circular eyes and close to each other.

Doll Face Cats :

has collected two types of Shirazi cats, moon face and becky face in terms of qualities, but they look like moon face, but their legs are longer than those of moon face.