Bengali cats and kittens information you must know before purchasing it

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Bengali cats and kittens information you must know before purchasing it

The Bengal cat breed is one of the breeds that man raises and is a unique home cat and loves it for everyone, thanks to the unique form of its skin and the distinctive colors of other cats and is considered to be a remarkable sight, and the fact of the Bengal dynasty was by mating domestic cats with the Asian cheetah cat, taking the size of the body of domestic cats and the shape of his skin taken from the Asian cheetah cat.

The aim of this mating is to produce a new local cat with unique and desirable qualities for wild cats,

The mood of a Bengal cat is quite different from other domestic cats, and the owners of Bengal cats say that his intelligence as a dog, the way he deals with the breeder with affection and this charm falls in which the buyer falls cats and prefers the Bengali cat over various other cats. 

Before each purchase you must do research into the breed as a whole and its unique features, care requirements and how it is raised, in this article we will collect five of the most important things you should know before committing to buying a Bengal cat.

bengal cat bengal kittens, cat bangles,bongo cat,bango cat
Bengali cats and kittens information you must know before purchasing it

1. We Have Wild Ancestry:

The Bengal cat breed is a cross between asian cheetah cat and domestic cats, and the most common bengal cats on sale are domesticated cats with little wild blood or SBT cats at least five horses far from their origin, i.e. their wild ancestors.

2.Be aware that they can be very noisy:

The Siamese cat is considered one of the breeds that participated in the formation of the Bengal cat, and as any Siamese owner tell you, that Siamese cats are very noisy, and this characteristic was taken by bengal cats from siamese cats, and took the rest of the qualities of the wild cat.

3. Many Bengal Cats Love Water:

The Bengal cat loves water very much, because the actions at home such as going to the bathroom, jumping in the warm bathtub, so you should watch him if you have a swimming pool or become a cat saviour, but not every Bengal cat loves water but their impact, so you should watch the small cats of bengal not fall into the swimming pool because it leads to their death.

4.Bengals tend to be fairly high maintenance:

Bengal cat is among the most skilled and active hunters and is successful among other cat breeds, and is the fastest and smarter cats, so if you have birds you should be careful of it, so when buying small bengal cats you should train them well and make a relationship between him and other animals at home.

5.They are very energetic:

The tall Bengal cat, which is a sporty breed and different from other cats, because of their tendency to activity and vitality, prefers to sleep a bengal cat well because he is bored a lot, and here you should provide him with things to do.
That means you might find yourself at night a game for him and jump on you to give him a little attention, or race at home and chase him to a fake prey. 

bengal cat,How to take care of a Bengal cat,bengal kittens, cat bangles ,bongo cat,bango cat
Bengali cats and kittens information you must know before purchasing it

How to take care of a Bengal cat:

 Bengal cats are famous for their own markings on their bodies obtained from asian cats, and this breed of cats has strong characters, and also has eccentric qualities such as their obsession with water and climbing and their preference for high places, and in order to raise this type of cats must be provided proper care and provide their basic needs, and in the coming will talk about how to take care of the Bengali cat: 

Provide the basic needs of the cat:

  •  Provide healthy foods in appropriate quantities to keep the cat healthy. 
  • Provide a source of drinking water in places that are easily accessible to the cat in special dishes.
  •  Provide a cat box with the aim of allowing the cat to have some privacy.
  •  Maintain the external cleanliness of the cat by combing and bathing.

 Cat health care: 

  • Visit the veterinarian regularly, with the aim of maintaining the overall health of the cat and conducting full check-ups.
  •  Provide appropriate vaccinations for the cat at the right times of life.
  •  Understand the pathological issues and symptoms of this type in order to be able to quickly identify the health and morbidity of the cat. 
  • Get pet insurance in order to save money when treatment.

 Sports and playing with the cat:

  •  Provide high places to climb the cat, where these cats like to climb and be in high places.
  •  Provide cat games with dedicated daily play sessions, which last for 10 minutes.
  •  Devote some time to playing with the cat in order to give attention to him and entertain him.
  •  Interest all the people in the cat's environment so you can live with them .

 Diseases of the Bengali cat:

 After identifying the Bengali cats will be talked about the diseases of these cats, where these cats suffer from the risk of some diseases targeting Bengali cats in particular, where the disease of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, progressive retinal atrophy and disease of the deficiency of the cayenne of the most famous diseases affecting these cats, and in the following will be talked about these diseases:

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:

 It is a common genetic disease in Bengali cats, where it affects the heart muscle and makes it abnormally thick, and can cause the heart to prevent the heart from pumping blood, and the disease spreads in Bengali cats at a rate of 16.7%, and it is recommended that the disease be screened once or twice a year.

Progressive retinal atrophy: 

Progressive retinal atrophy is a genetic disease that threatens Bengal cats, where Bengali cat breeders must show the cat to the veterinarian in order to detect the disease. 

Deficiency of the cayenne:

a genetic disease prevalent in Bengali cats, and the test for this disease must be carried out before reproduction in order to ensure that cats carry a strain free of the disease, and is examined by rubbing the inner part of the cat's mouth with a cotton and then sending it to the laboratory.

And in the end

Where to buy bengal kitten:

Male and Female price 

1,000 $ to 2,500 $