The Best Pet can be raised at Home

The Best Pet can be raised at Home

The Best Pet can be raised at Home
The Best Pet can be raised at Home

The best pet can be raised at home :

Spread breeding animals in the house in the recent period, and there are a lot of people who take breeding animals as a hobby. there are several animals can be education in the home taking care of it and clean, to ensure that persons in the house for any damage to health, and must take care in selecting the type of domestic animal if there are children in the home, and for lovers of this hobby, we offer you a list of the best kinds of domestic animals, which gives an atmosphere of fun.

The best animals that can be reared in the house:

1. Cats:

 one of the most favorite pet in the home, where they have the skills to play the intimate and fonland with Breeders, and confers an atmosphere of fun in the home, and it is quiet. clean and do not require great care by Breeders because it cleans itself, you can acquire the habits and skills and good, and months domestic cats preferred by many is the Siamese Cats Persian Cats with long hair. More details can be found on the previous article the best kinds of domestic cats.

2. Dogs:

known as faithful to its owner, it also performed various functions as a watchdog for the rights of the home, and guidance to the special needs of deaf, blind. deaf to the 396 road to the voice of the phone or the door when the bell rings, domestic dogs vary according to the types and sizes and shape, domestic dog needs special care before Nanny in providing good food and hygiene, as well as standing and providing housing to tame it and training daily for 30 minutes to get used to the aspiring for Knowlege by Breeders behaviors, it is the best home dogs and the Boxer uprising and pitbul .

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3. Fish:

the most beautiful what can be bred in the home, the publication featured fishkeeping filled with colorful fish and attractive give beautiful in the home and the children loved animals of averting them. they do not need to be touched enough to enjoy with breathtaking views only, which is also a favorite hobby of many people, you need fish to pay particular attention to the clean lap must be permanently until the fish are not exposed to sexually transmitted diseases, and must provide their own food, fish farmers must be fully aware of the types of fisheries by the extent of their coexistence with each other, and the best kinds of fish educational is gold fish Nuon Tetra, thinning/interpolation More About pet fish, you can see the previous article the best fish. 

4. The turtle :

is one of the Pterodactyls of which there are two types of wild turtle and tortoise, and feature 'Arabness' in the movement, small size, frequently its presence in the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. a lot of people in the house are bred by the lovely animals for children, safe is no damage, and has a strong sense of sight can identify Breeders , it is also easy to care for, as it does not need to clean up once a month in Orifices and the lettuce grated  islands, option or CHICORY, and can be placed in the pot plurally by hay or sand, as for the Turtle and the abiotic water inside the bowl by a sufficient quantity of water so that they can pool water turtle is the most active of the wild turtle feeds on insects and Fish Small worms of the Earth.

5.The birds:

many favorite animals reared, they give a spirit of fun and vitality, the beauty of their colors and Twitter tempt you, you need to pay special attention to one where it is placed in a large cage and comfortable until the movement can easily, and must clean the cage daily preferably at least two birds breeding within the cage and leave the bird alone because he would feel the unity and die, Feed the birds to the grain, and he should not be exposed to high temperatures, and the best types of birds educational is the Canary birds, but it must be noted that has children with allergies do not put a cage birds near the presence of children because it increases the sensitivity they have.

6. The parrot:

one of the most beautiful ornamental birds and most fun in the house, with bright colors, the tradition of votes the surrounding area where they can learn more than 800 words. featuring smart and social characteristics, commonly found in India and Southeast Asia and West Africa, the male must be separated from their kin in the Parrot cage and CHEEKY of the same species, feeding parrots on the islands, cereals, apples, lettuce, attention must be constantly changing cage clean drinking water and food until the bird is not exposed to any illness multiply by insects, and it is the best educational is the parrot parrots Amazon parrots and macaws, Melbourne.

7. The monkey:

there is heavy turnout on breeding monkeys in houses in the recent period has become one of the favorite hobbies of many people. and feature Monkeys fun spirit permanent activity they do you like playing and movement much, but need special attention by educators in need of full-time farmers and the jam that plurally searing heat controls well because of the apes if I got tired can not wait to begin the work of skirmishes and movements annoying, it should also provide a great hulking ape named place to live until the movement can also wants, preferably not raising monkeys in homes where children because they may be harmful in a way to play, and the best kinds of monkeys educational is monkey The marmast squirrel monkey to enjoy the love of fun and games, they also clean.

8. The hamster :

Belongs to the category of rodents from the rats, featuring the beauty of its form, its small size, ease of upbringing, and can be placed in a glass basin or large cage because it moves quickly and is active animals, but the sawdust from wood to avoid the bad smell. It is the most popular types of Syrian Hamster and Hamster Chinese and European.